Wednesday 28 November 2007

Gaudeamus Igitur

Gaudeamus igitur, yuvenes dum suumus...oh please God. Everybody who ever entered college, maybe even as a janitor, would quickly recognize that song. Yup, that stupid song. Any of you ever wonder the meaning of the lines? So i did actually search for it, and guess what i found: some of the lyrycs actually mean

let's go get some fun, while we're still young...

I mean come of my fellow told me "Remember Dipa, love, party, then book. Books come last, okay?" Well, when i entered college i came (as later i found out to be almost the most common case with many others) with great expectations, great hopes, that jibaku ready spirit...only to found there has been more mis-demeanor in that place that outsiders ever knew. Up until now, frankly speaking. Free sex, abortion, fountain of alcohol, mass fighting, drug abuse...Really, let's have some fun while we're still young.

So, where are the parents? Simple. They lack in technological mastery, no wonder they never caught their children sharing porno through 3G. They lack in almost everything which wil enable them to control their children, to actually exercise their function as parents. Stupid $%*&s. Worse, if they say "i believe in her/him/them(their children). They' are grown ups now." Or something like "it's their own bussiness". Your $%&#ing bussiness. If your children gain some fancy achievement look who will come in front proudly first. When your daughters get pregnant without clear husband let's go in front proudly too.

I almost shed tears the time i first sang, not just heard, the Gaudeamus. As years go by, i find even high school start having graduation ceremony with the same song been sung.

Now i still almost burst in tears everytime i hear the gaudeamus. For a totally different reason.

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